'I could reach right up and touch the sky'.
What a beautiful day. (It was when I started this post). Taking a walk through Stamford, with each step the buds burst in unison. As I quicken my pace it seems that all around there is an accelerated awakening. This was a week ago and whilst today isn't as sunny the perfume of Spring is definitely in the air.
Those Bursting Buds
With the change in weather it's time to get outdoors with my Kombisketchtour buddy and start sketching. I co-founded Kombisketchtour with friend and artist Jane Hindmarch in 2016. We escape, tour and draw the countryside, in Jane's VW campervan. A bright sunshine blue, in which we trundle through the country lanes taking in the changes in season with drawing.
Kombisketchtour: Jane Hindmarch (L) and Maxine Greer (R).
Pom Pom Parade
With so much blossom around it's hard to resist the Pom Pom Parade. Short-lived but so dramatic. In a similar way to the yearly Stamford Mid-Lent Fair, these blooms appear so colourful and electric, hyper-real against the sky, enticing and transient. Marking the start of the sketching season at last.
Cherry Blossom Blooms
To find out more about the Pom Pom Parade and the adventures of Kombisketchtour hop over to kombisketchtour.com and take a look.
Pastel, charcoal and graphite on paper